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“Let us have a return to the true meaning of community”

~ TSE Congregant


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The gifts of our tradition—empathy and understanding, the pursuit of peace and justice, a strong moral compass and an unambiguous understanding of the difference between ephemeral values and eternal values
— Rabbi Sam Weinstein

Under The Stars at the
University of Toledo Planetarium!

Be kind…please rewind…

Simchat Torah 2024

GUCI brotherhood work weekend

Passover 2024

Amazing turnout and participation this year for our Seder!

Another amazing Hanukkah party!

A few pics from Simchat Torah 

Mitzah Day Prep!

A lot to be proud of for the

2023 Confirmation Class!

Last evening many volunteers helped plant the Temple garden.  The garden committee is chaired by Stan and Ricki Rudey.  We thank all the volunteers who helped last night and those who will be helping with the upkeep of the temple vegetable and flower gardens. 

2023 Confirmation Trip to NYC!


A few pics from A recent Shabbat!

Mitzvah Day!

Thanks to everyone who participated in Mitzvah Day. The afternoon was a huge success thanks to everyone who volunteered. Mini mitzvah Day was the vision of our Temple President, Dr. Jeanine Huttner with the blessing of the Temple Board of Trustees. Now that we are once again gathering together, Jeanine wanted to have a way for members of our Temple Family to perform mitzvot as a community. The Temple was the direct beneficiary of Sunday’s mitzvot. The plan is to hold several “mitzvah days” that are project based during the upcoming year. Today’s turnout was amazing and our hope is that even more people participate in the future.

Toledo Blade Article: BY SARAH READDEAN

Keeping the flame burning


Membership Letter

MEMBER Application

Dues schedule 2024/2025

Download the Book of Memory:

Roll of Remembrance

If you are looking for an opportunity to celebrate your simcha with members of your congregational family and your other guests on Shabbat, consider hosting one of the following opportunities: 

  • Kabbalat Panim Reception-5-6PM

Preceding Friday night services includes 3-4 appetizers, iced tea, Water and wine

and wine.


  • Shabbat Kiddush

Following Friday night services consists of wine, apple juice & challah.


  • Oneg Shabbat

Following Friday night services will include a fresh fruit tray, vegetable tray w/hummus, cubed cheese tray with hot vidalia onion dip, assorted sweets, iced tea, coffee and tea


*You can customize your own Oneg Shabbat with Lynn Nusbaum and choose your own items and the price will be determined according to the menu you choose.  If you have a budget in mind Lynn will create a menu for you.



6453 Sylvania Ave.
Sylvania, OH 43560


(419) 885-3341

It is the mission of Congregation Temple Shomer Emunim to meet the religious, spiritual, educational, and social needs of our congregants within the context of Reform Judaism, while we seek to perpetuate Reform Judaism, the Jewish people, and the State of Israel.

Stopping By?

Please fill out our Visitor Information Form:

PRintable Form

Online FORM





Reform Judaism

Throughout history, Jews have remained firmly rooted in Jewish tradition, even as we learned much from our encounters with other cultures. Nevertheless, since its earliest days, Reform Judaism has asserted that a Judaism frozen in time is an heirloom, not a living fountain. The great contribution of Reform Judaism is that it has enabled the Jewish people to introduce innovation while preserving tradition, to embrace diversity while asserting commonality, to affirm beliefs without rejecting those who doubt and to bring faith to sacred texts without sacrificing critical scholarship.