Adult Education
The Gift of Mindfulness
The Gift of Mindfulness
Once a month, Wednesday, 7:00pm
We will explore different dimensions of mindfulness practice - different kinds of meditation, Jewish text study, small group conversations, and real life practices that you can carry into your everyday life. You can join in person by calling the Temple office to reserve OR join on Zoom: Click HERE.
Meeting ID: 884 1385 8623
Passcode: 448243
Torah Today
Once a month, Saturday at 9:30amJoin Rabbi Delson once a month on Shabbat morning for a lively discussion of the Torah portion and how it is relevant to our lives today. Bagels and coffee are served.
Nurture the Wow: Parenthood Discussion with Rabbi Delson
This is an opportunity to build connections with other parents who are also raising children. We will share the joys and oys of having kids at home, read a short article to discuss together, and really, just be there for each other because this stuff is hard. Look out for upcoming dates in the bulletin.
Nurture the Wow: Parenthood Discussion with Rabbi Delson
An Adult B’nei Mitzvah class is forming. This class is great for anyone who either did not become a bar or bat mitzvah at age 13 or who chose Judaism. Basic Hebrew knowledge is required. This course will run for the better part of two years and will be taught by Rabbi Delson and Cantor Roher. If you are interested, please contact Rabbi Delson.
Adult B’nei Mitzvah
Watch the BULLETIN for opportunities to hear visiting speakers express their opinions on a variety of issues.
Friday Night Guest Speakers
Read the BULLETIN for opportunities to learn on a seasonal basis. These short courses, usually from five to eight classes, are generally offered in the Fall, schedule permitting. The current offering is:
Seasonal Classes