Lisa Delson
Lisa Delson
Rabbi Lisa Delson joined Temple Shomer Emunim as rabbi in July of 2023. She is looking forward to fostering new connections with the temple and wider Toledo community. She is passionate about social justice and Jewish learning and believes both to be an avenue into Jewish practice and creates meaning in one’s life. Prior to coming to the temple she served as Associate Rabbi of Peninsula Temple Sholom in Burlingame, California, a congregation she served for nine years. Before that she was the Program Director and Assistant Rabbi at Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Rabbi Delson was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio and grew up attending Temple Israel. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Cincinnati, and a master of the art of Hebrew letters from Hebrew Union College and Ordination from the Cincinnati campus in 2009. She is the Social Action and Advocacy Vice President of the Women’s Rabbinic Network and has an extensive social justice resume.